Monday, May 25, 2009

Meet the in-laws!

My husband comes from a family of five. He has 3 brothers and I sister. They grew up in a small town and they had a good youth. They had their own club house, they held secret parties in the woods where they built their own toilet and they had the time of their life!

Their parents were easy going. Not strict at all. They didn't set curfews or a certain time to go to bed. They didn't interfere in the relation ships of their children. But whenever one of their children was unhappy or in trouble, they stood by them.

The first time I saw my in-laws, I had known my husband (my boyfriend back then) for a month and a half and I had just found out I was 2 weeks pregnant. So not the best time to meet your in-laws. But they welcomed me with open arms and they were very kind. And as soon as they heard I was pregnant, they were filled with joy! We gave them their first grandchild and that will always be special. They helped us out wherever they could. We didn't have much income back then, although my husband worked 3 jobs and I worked until I nearly went into labor. But babies cost money and I had some debts to pay off.

My father-in-law painted our house and papered the walls. Every time we moved house, he would come over to paint and paper some more. He never complained. We fed him and made sure he felt at home and had everything he needed. That was his way of showing his appreciation and all of his children have had this same treatment.

Every other Sunday, all of us gather around the table for lunch. We laugh and enjoy a good family time. The grandchildren love to hang out together and it's pretty hectic when all 9 of them are there at the same time.

On Tuesdays, I stop by at "grandma's" for coffee. She always has some friends or relatives over and it is fun to have some girls' time. Sometimes I bake some goodies and she provides coffee.

There was no doubt: my mother-in-law was going to be Eva's godmother. And we are still very happy with that choice. Eva is very fond of her and she loves some special time with her godmother. They nose around the attic or look at old photo albums together. And they chit chat. Eva treasures those moments and I'm sure my mother-in-law does as well.

Some people don't get along with their in-laws, or have a terrible bond with their mother-in-law. I could not have chosen a better mother-in-law.

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