Thursday, July 23, 2009

A life long diet

Some of you never need to diet, because they are just meant to remain skinny. Others have to make sure not to even take a glance at food, in order not to gain any more weight. Yes, you made the right guess: I'm a member of the second group, unfortunately. Being a diabetic hasn't been very helpful this far. I need to watch my food, to give myself the correct doses of insulin. I need to watch my food, to keep my heart healthy (skip on the bad fats). I need to watch my food, to make sure I don't gain any more weight than I already have.

And that's where things go wrong... I keep gaining weight, although I have a 1200 kcal diet. It makes me really sad, because being overweight isn't very good for your self esteem and self worth. I've pretty much had it. Are you aware, that people around you are constantly eating goodies and treats and remain thin after all? Okay, some are overweight and they don't mind. But I do mind, and I mind a great deal!

I have been on practically every diet around: Atkins, South Beach, Dr. Bernstein, Weight Watchers, Sonja Bakker, personal diets prescribed by dietitians... Nothing seems to work long enough and I keep gaining weight. Mostly even more than I lost after major efforts.

I'm looking into finding another solution, so I can lose weight. I'm done with the overweight. I really am.. It wears me out and it depresses me and it makes me cross at myself and it makes me feel guilty although I know I do the best I can (most of the time). Why can't I be part of the first group???

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