Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's another year

Has it already been another year? It's like your birthday was just the other day.. I haven't seen you grow any older? Have you? I met you 10 years ago and you still look pretty much the same to me. But then again, you take real good care of yourself and you are very peculiar about your clothes. I must say: I enjoy you! Have a very happy birthday my bun! xx

At the age of 68, you are still very active and outgoing. You always worked as a painter, but now you have discovered painting for a hobby. You love to scroll through art books, looking for pictures that will inspire you. You have become a true artist and the easel has become part of your home. There's always some painting waiting to be finished by your hand. Have a very happy birthday, gramps!

And yes, it's your birthday as well! I hope you will have a great day, amongst the people that are important for you. 2010 has been a great year for you so far, since you are no longer considered diabetic. I'm so proud of you! You have done a terrific job! xx

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