Saturday, May 30, 2009

Big me

I'm big. BIG! Not tall. Just big. Too big for my height. I've been too big for nearly 7 years now. I don't like mirrors, I don't like fitting rooms in malls, I don't like the XL label on clothes. I want to be slimmer. I want to lose weight.

I make healthy food choices most of the time. I have a fresh smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a warm meal in the evening (or the other way around, depending on who is home around lunch time). I hardly eat meat, I don't eat bread anymore, I skip on dessert.

Okay, I don't work out, because it frustrates me big time. Been there, done that, but it just doesn't work for me. I hate to exercise! I really do! If I'm forced to work out, you don't want to be around me. Because I'll snap at you and I will not be the nicest person to be around. I sweat and I get upset and sore. And sports leads to binge sessions and if there is something I want to avoid, it's the binge session.

My diabetes makes it more difficult to lose weight. Insulin is a hormone after all. I never had problems with my weight before and I always liked the way my body was shaped. My weight gain is one of the things I don't like about diabetes..

Does that mean that I will remain BIG for the rest of my life?


Anonymous said...

big is beautiful said...

you may be right and don't mind other people having a larger size, but I would love to be just a little slimmer. Would make it a whole lot easier to find clothes that fit :-)

Upje said...

I know your problem - have the same - (and yes, meanwhile I almost have the same BMI as you do), but I think our only way out of frustration is to accept the weight and size, and to séé that bigger can also be beautiful and good. I can see YOU look good, I guess you can see I am not really ugly ... so we'll have to share our wisdom.
If other people can look good and find beautiful clothes with the same size or bigger, than you and I can do that to!

Big kiss for a fantastic woman!

xxx said...

As in the song; big girl you are beautiful?

My BMI does worry me though, because it's just not healthy. But you made a point there: I do consider you beautiful! x