Thursday, December 10, 2009

Falling of the treadmill of life

Life is going too fast at the time. I can no longer keep up. I feel like I'm falling off, I'm falling of the treadmill of life. Too many things are happening at the same time. I want to handle one thing at the time, but so many things are presenting themselves that I no longer know what to do first. It's confusing. It's hectic. It's troubling me. I want to shout: STOP! I want to scream: NO MORE! I want someone to take over.

1 comment:

Upje said...

Anderen kunnen het niet helemaal voor je overnemen, maar je mag wel langs alle kanten hulp vragen, daar waar mogelijk hé.

En je mag ook heel hard STOP brullen.

Je komt overal wel uit, meisje ... Op je eigen tempo, het zal wel lukken!

Dikke knuf,