Thursday, March 25, 2010

Comin' up

Many of my friends don't like to run errands. I don't know why? Is it the lack of time? Lack of inspiration? The hassle at the check out register? Having to take the kids along?

I have always liked to shop for groceries. I prefer shopping for groceries over shopping for clothes. Really. I just love to stroll around the supermarket and discover all these new things. Whenever I'm abroad, I like to enter any supermarket to see the difference between their and our cuisine. That's why I always bring home goodies from our trips.

Most of the time, I run errands in Holland. It's only like a 15 min drive and still, the Dutch have so many different things we don't have. Low carb, low fat, sugar free. Belgians are more reluctant to new things and they are more old school.

I make grocery lists on my BlackBerry during the week. When the list is long enough, I hop in the car and drive off to have a great time. Can I bring you anything?

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