Saturday, July 18, 2009

Knifty Knitter

Someone showed me how to knit without needles. All you need is a knifty knitter to make wonderful wool crafts. She made a couple of flowers for my girls and they were really thrilled! They wanted to learn how to make flowers themselves. So I ordered some knifty knitters. They are not for sale in Belgium yet, but apparently pretty hot in the States. I do believe I was born in the wrong country. Too bad the flights are that expensive, because I would surely go more!

I'm excited and looking forward for the parcel to arrive. I'd better go buy some wool before the knitters get here. Then we can make our own flowers. They would look great on a hairpin, or as a corsage, or as gifts for a baby shower. Our eldest daughter would like to make some flowers to sew on a pillow. Sounds like a plan! And it's another way to keep them busy in summer holidays.

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