Friday, February 19, 2010

One diet doesn't fit all

I no longer believe in diets. There are so many diets, that your stomach would get sick just thinking about it. Soup diets, low carb, Atkins, Bernstein, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Sonoma,.. name it and I've tried it. Most diets work well for the first week or two. You are all hyped up and motivated and you pay more attention to what you eat. Sometimes you even keep a food diary and that immediately keeps you from eating too much. But then boredom comes in and you start longing for the foods you miss out on. To one person, that is bread, to another it may be junk food. It doesn't matter what foods you crave: if the diet can't make you forget about that food, it's not working.

Up till now, I prefer the Sonoma diet. Southern style, olive oil, veggies, lean meat, lots of fish. It's easy to keep up with this lifestyle as long as you don't eat out. Or if you live all by yourself, so you don't need to cook different menus to everyone's taste. But that's not going to happen.

For as long as we will live, there will be new diets. It makes the world go around.

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