Friday, February 19, 2010

This is not my first rodeo

This has been going on for many months now, and the solution is still not in sight. But we're working on it. Today we're going to have another meeting, in another country. Just to make sure we are still headed in the same direction. Some more people are going to join us and tell us more about their experiences on the subject. I'm looking forward to it, but then again, I'm also reluctant. What if there's no solution for me? I know I shouldn't think that way, because I can't predict the future, but someone has been working against me for so long, that I don't keep my hopes too high any more. If there wasn't any hope, I would certainly not attend the meeting. I do have people backing me up and they give me all their support. So I keep going, although the hill is getting steeper by the day..


Véronique said...

Ik heb geen clue waar het over gaat, maar je mag niet opgeven. Ik denk trouwens dat dit niet in je aard ligt, maar ik begrijp dat het soms wel eens overloopt.

Diep ademen, relativeren en er volle bak voor gaan. Go, girl, go ! said...

ik heb diep geademd. En we blijven er voor gaan Véronique!