Thursday, May 19, 2011

Around the clock

What a great day we had! We monthly meet on any Thursday "to go to the market". That's how we call our day out, because Thursday is market day in the town we go to. That's where we meet to catch up and have a ladies day.

We sit down on the deck to enjoy a first glass of white wine. Most of the time we pick the same little restaurant. The menu is simple but good and the interior is crisp. That's when the chatting begins. We always have so many things to discuss and we laugh and we have a good time over lunch.

Lunch is most likely a salad, vegetarian or non-vegetarian, depending on our moods. Last week we had a great salad, packed with fresh greens and crunchy bits of fruit. How we enjoy those healthy dishes without having to get all of those ingredients from the store!

We're lucky most of the time, since the sun likes the market day too. So we stay outside on the deck to have our coffee(s). We discuss husbands, children, recipes, activities, shops we like to go to.. you know, the usual female talk. And we have more coffee.. up until we realize it's about dinner time. Without discussion we decide we're not done talking yet, so we order dinner. No salad this time, but a sandwich. I had tomato shrimp and that was a good choice. I hear shrimp poison your body with cholesterol, but every now and then I like to indulge my shrimp.

The owner of the restaurant joined us at a certain point. She couldn't believe we weren't done talking yet. For 11 hours we had been sitting there, babbling our way through the day, over wine, diet coke, coffee and something to munch on. Hahaha! It's great to have those days out. Too bad the parking lot closed for the night.. Thank goodness my friends car was parked down the street..


Upje said...

Nee. NOT AGAIN?!!! said...

oja hoor... alweer...