Friday, August 10, 2012

Last night, when we were young

Photo Cathy Van de Moortele
My employer is a witty guy. For a number of times, he has called me "old", since to him,  "old" is 40+. He had no idea at first how old I am, so when I asked him if he thought I was old, he shook his head and said: no, I am talking about people who are at least 40 years old.. Right.. He was pretty embarrassed when I told him I'm turning 41 this month. Ever since, it's been our joke. He keeps reminding me of my age, but it doesn't bother me at all. I have no issues growing older.

Cleaning up the clutter in our house, I ran across two stuffed animals that were very dear to me as a child. A small golden teddy bear and a bigger sized bunny. They have been best friends for many, many years. When I go through my photo album (I have only one), I can see them in the crib I spent my baby time in. Maybe someone gave them to me for my birth? I don't know. But I still have them and I'm not going to dump them. They don't have a name. They are over 40 years old now. THEY are OLD. I'm not. We share the same age, but they look older than I do. They do! don't they?

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