Thursday, April 30, 2009

Look your best

I finally saved enough money to treat myself with a brand new digital camera. How I have longed for a good camera! I love to take pictures. My last camera failed on me on several occasions and needed 2 new batteries for every 8 pictures I took. So I guess the girls will have a new toy to play with. 

So I checked out some different types and a good friend of mine suggested Canon as the best in the field. I think the camera looks pretty smart and I hope it won't be too sophisticated for me. Because it's my first reflex camera and I'm sure I'll need a lot of practice to use it to its full capacity. 

The Canon EOS 1000D was chosen camera of the year 2008-2009 so I'm pretty confident that it will be a good appliance. Can't wait for the battery to be fully loaded! Let's go out and take some  pictures! 

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