I have so much to write and so little time. There's a bucket of soapy water in the kitchen, waiting to be emptied onto the icky floor. Empty lunch plates are sitting on the counter top, waiting to be put into the dishwasher. Hubby has gone back to working in his backyard, mowing the lawn for the first time this year. Eva is hiding upstairs, so I won't give her any chores and her sister is staying over at her friend's house, showing off her new outfits she bought at the mall.
I have to get moving, because at 4 o'clock I have to be at work. But I'm anxious to write!!! This is pretty exciting you know! I don't know when I will share my blog with my friends. I guess time will tell?
The sun is out and I should be outside getting a sun tan. That's what people do. The cat needs to be fed but there's no cat food left, so I need to run errands as well. Maybe that's a good excuse not to start mopping the kitchen floor. Lol.
die interesse naar de statistieken van bezoekers ken ik, het is het eerste wat ik doe 's morgens, zien hoeveel bezoekers er gisteren waren en van waar ze kwamen
Enig idee hoe ik hier de statistieken kan zien?
Fijn je hier te zien Johan!
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