Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good day sunshine!

There's this joke in our house, about the weather forecast. Hubby is a true believer and he and Lana watch the weather forecast several times a day. Since we live near the Dutch border, I tend to rely on the weather forecast of Holland, while hubby and Lana go for the Flemish weather forecast.
We've been checking on the weather forecast of Agadir for a couple of days now. Some links predict rain for the rest of the week (thank goodness we didn't go this week!), while other links talk about 28°C and no clouds or rain. Go figure!
I don't see the profit of watching the weather forecast. After all, there's nothing we can do to change the weather or prevent rain from falling. We can only wish for the best and the best in this case, is sun. Otherwise we would not have chosen Morocco as our holiday destination. So let's be cheerful and hope for a lot of sun and as little rain as possible..

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