Thursday, August 6, 2009

A mind of its own

My car has a mind of its own... It's been in repair at numerous occasions and I'm kinda fed up with it. It's a great car, really, and I love to drive it. Especially with the top down. But when it doesn't do what it's supposed to do.. gggrrrr..
We were shopping in Bruges and we had the top of the car down. I had to close the top, because we parked the car to enter a store. And my window wouldn't close. Jammed.. nothing I could do about it. It just wouldn't budge. So we opened the top again, turned of the engine, turned it on again, closed the top again, but by no means could we close the window.
There was nothing left to do than go home and call the mechanic to see if he had time to work on it. I don't have a garage, so the car sits in front of the house at night. Not the best place if your window stays open, right? I was lucky, because the mechanic had some spare time and he helped us out right away. It took him over an hour to fix the problem (apparently there were several problems with the electronica), but we're all set to drive again! Keep your fingers crossed, will you? And Herbie, you'd better behave!!

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