Did you know that men and their potbellies are socially more accepted than woman with a belly? Women must have flat bellies. If not, they are considered fat and lazy and unattractive. How come many women don't bother if their men have potbellies? And even worse: how come men with potbellies feel they can ask of their wives to be slim and have flat tummies? I see them in the streets: the potbellied men with the slim and attractive women by their side...
I'm glad my husband is slim and I'm glad he doesn't have a potbelly at all. He has some love handles, but I find those rather amusing and cute and charming than disturbing. They come with the years and it makes him more huggable. I'm pretty sure he will disagree and say that the love handles bother him. But I like them. I wouldn't like him to have a potbelly though. Just imagine, his pants being pulled over his belly. Ugh..
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