Re, a drop of golden sun
Mi, a name I call myself
Fa, a long long way to run..
I was very curious to see the Dutch version of The Sound of Music, a musical we have cherished for many years. The Belgian cast sounded very promising, so our friend got 8 tickets to go see the performance. He's very good at picking the best seats and as usual, we had a great overview and the audio was super.
I truly enjoyed the musical. The children were adorable, especially the little girl that played Gretl moved me. She was so cute and her voice was hoarse from all the singing. I must say: Deborah De Ridder is Maria...! She's playful, witty, energetic and she has a wonderful voice. She was the star of the night. Captain Von Trapp, played by Peter Van De Velde, was impressing (mainly because of his size) and he and Maria made a good couple. I'm not a big fan of Koen Crucke in musicals, since I keep seeing him as Mr Spaghetti in Samson & Gert - a Belgian children's programme - but I must admit: I really liked him this time. Max Dettweiler was the perfect roll for him. And what a voice Kirsten Cools had! Wow! I was stunned by the performance of Baroness Elza. She's also fun to watch and her voice is very clear and bright. The most impressive voice though - besides the voice of Deborah - was the voice of An Lauwereins, Mother Superior. She had a pretty big roll as well and I liked her singing a lot.
Rolf and Liesl were absolutely fab dancers. "Sixteen going on seventeen" is my favorite song in this musical and they danced a wonderful dance, which boosted the original performance. Rolf - Steven Colombeen - is a very good singer as well.
We surely heard The Sound of Music. It's an old time's favorite and I could watch it over and over again. I was a little disappointed that the Puppet Show was not part of the Dutch version. But the costumes and the decor made me forget about the Puppet Show.
It was a great night! And of course, we had a drink and a bite afterwards, accompanied by many cuddles and friendship. Love you guys! Two more months and we're off to West Side Story in Scheveningen!
Hola, jullie hadden een heel andere bezetting?! Bij ons was er geen Peter Van De Velde te bespeuren en ook geen Mr Spaghetti, hoor! Maar ik ga morgen nog eens, ben benieuwd wie er dan op het podium zal staan.
Vond jij ook de Liesl niet zo overweldigend goed zingen?
Maar moeder overste - Oh my God! Die vrouw hoort ergens in een opera thuis ofzo, zo'n geweldige stem :).
Al bij al vond ik het in ieder geval heerlijk, en ik hoop dat ik er morgen net zo hard van zal genieten als de vorige keer.
Hey Upje,
ik ben ook benieuwd of je morgen een andere versie te zien zal krijgen!
Ik vond Liesl heel mooi dansen, maar haar zang was nogal scherp. Maar 't is haar vergeven hoor, door haar danstalent en omdat ze ook zo goed leek op de echte Liesl, vond ik.
Je zult je zeker even goed amuseren! Ik wou de cd nog kopen, maar een hypo heeft daar een stokje voor gestoken... Ben dan maar naar beneden gestroempeld. Gelukkig had ik genoeg ridders rond mij om de hypo te helpen verslaan :-)
Moet ik de cd voor jou kopen? Da's geen probleem, hé! (Weet je dan hoeveel die ongeveer kost?) En dan hebben we ineens een excuus om nog eens te 'meeten' ;).
En idd, die Liesl kon wel HEEl goed dansen, amai!
Heel graag Upje! Dat zou ik super vinden! En dan spreken we weer eens af hè! Ik heb geen idee wat de cd kost?
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