Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chop sticks

Both our daughters love Chinese food. We have made it a tradition, that when they have good grades, we go out for Chinese. Last night was no different. So we had soup as an appetizer and then we had babi pangang, shrimp miehoen and sweet and sour chicken fritters. I had half a cup of soup and 4 tablespoons of miehoen. I was very anxious to see what the food would do to my glucose levels. Oooh my gosh... I knew Chinese makes our sugar levels go up, but I didn't expect it to go up that fast... I started with a BG of 169 mg/dl and just one hour later, I saw a confronting 312 mg/dl on the screen of my insulin pump. What a bummer... And it was still going up. I put the leftovers in the fridge, but I already know I will no longer eat them. Ugh..

Now that is why CGM is so important for diabetics. If you are confronted with these numbers, your appetite is gone in no time. Thanks to the Continuous Glucose Monitoring, I can read my BG levels every 5 minutes on my insulin pump. It's a great tool but oh so expensive. It is worth it though. And I hope I will learn a whole lot more about my body and about my diabetes this way.

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