Thursday, November 5, 2009

A nice hot cup of cocoa

I could do with a nice hot cup of cocoa. Pure and dark chocolate, hot and steaming full fat milk, sweet, soft, tiny marshmallows, topped with a dollop of sugary double cream. A fluffy cushion by the fire place, a fascinating novel and my favorite blanky. The warm head of my sweet Rebba in my lap and the silent purring of cat Arthur on the other side of the couch. Wanna join me? Anyone? Okay, forget about the real chocolate and think pure cocoa. Let's skim the milk. The marshmallows will never happen either and the sugary double cream.. well.. I'm still in denial but at the same time, I'm dying for sugary double cream.. but then again: NO! I can still sit by the fire place, enjoying the cat and the dog and the exciting book though. Maybe the cocoa will taste different. But it will be made with love and it will be good for me. And with a little bit of imagination.. I'll get there.

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