Friday, December 4, 2009

Break down and cry

Last night you crashed. Your knees have been bugging you for several months now. Doctor's visits haven't helped much as far as treatment goed, but at least we know that there's some sort of fluid surrounding both knee caps. You are hurting. Big time. I bought two special knee braces for extra support. They were meant to help you support your knees in dance class. But sometimes your knees hurt so much, you want to wear them to school as well.
The doctor has taken a NMR scan and a full bone scan. It proves that there really is fluid in the knees. We also have been told it has nothing to do with growing pains. So the doctor is at the end of his rope and he's referring you to another doctor in Gent, who is more specialized.
School exams are starting today. You are doing the best you can, but the pain is getting so bad, that it's hard for you to focus on your school work. Last night, you broke down and cried. I gave you some extra pain relief to make sure you'd have some night rest at least.
Let's hope the other doctor has an idea how to help you, because you definitely need help. I'm thinking of you sweetie... Take care..


Upje said...

Dikke knuffel voor Lana ... Ik ga dinsdag héél hard duimen.

x said...

je knuffel is op een warme glimlach onthaald...xx