We have had several women. Around 7 I guess, over the years. One of them stayed for over a year. She had always been a cleaning lady, because that's what she liked to do! Unfortunately, she quit her job, because she was getting older and she had found an older person to look after, so her job would be more easy. She thought.. It was so not her! She missed the work terribly and she got bored, looking after the old man.
In the meantime, we had to find someone else. It's not that easy. Finding a good person, that is trustworthy, willing to work, active and independent, is hard. That's why we have asked several cleaning companies to look out for someone. So far, we have had many different ladies. Some were good, some were absolutely not willing to work. Some just didn't show up, others were sick all the time. We recently changed agencies. Let's hope this lady will keep up. The dogs are mad about her (we try to go out with the dogs when she's here to clean, so they don't disturb her). It's good to have her.
Greenhouse is the agency that found our new cleaning lady. All you have to do, is tell them what you want and when you want it done. They find the perfect match for you. We're happy, they're happy, and we have a clean house!
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