Saturday, October 30, 2010


He had the most terrible tooth ache ever. It was just so painful, he made an appointment with the dentist right away. He could barely think of anything else, since the pain was so overwhelming. Hot packs, cold packs, nothing helped to relieve the pain.

The dentist sedated his lip first, before he stuck a needle in my friend's palate. That needle came totally unexpected and the dentist probably poked the abscess at that time. My friend yelled, jumped out of the chair, pushed away the brute and ran out of the dentist's office. He was in sheer agony and never before had he experienced so much pain. If he were a woman, he would probably have said it was worse than delivering a child.

He barely made it to his house, when the abscess cracked, releasing pus and and icky stuff. Finally, the pressure was off. It was over... I would offer him a band aid to soothe the pain, but that'll be a bit tricky I guess..

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