Finally, school's out! The girls did great and studied well for their exams. It's time to relax now and enjoy the upcoming holidays. The schoolbooks of this year need to be returned and new books have to be ordered. Both girls had to decide what they were going to do in September. Lana chose Economics and Modern Languages and we think that was a very wise choice. She's doing so well in school and she's a good student. She's not sure yet about the far ahead future, but she's working on that.
Eva is ready to attend a different school. She'll miss her boarding school and her friends for sure, but she'll get over it. She's a loving girl and she'll get new friends in no time. She and her sister will be riding their bikes to the same school now. Not that they will see a whole lot of each other, since it's a very big school and there are 3000 students, compared to the 340 Eva was used to. Eva has made the best choice for her too: Humane Science will be very interesting for her and I'm convinced she will love the different classes.
I'm looking forward to this summer vacation and to a wonderful time with the family. Congratulations girls! You did real well. We're proud of you!
Proficiat aan de dochters met de behaalde resultaten. Dat ze nu maar een goede vakantie hebben en nu nog niet teveel aan de herstart van september denken :)
Wees gerust! September is nog veraf en ze zijn al volop in vakantiestemming!
Binnenkort is het jullie beurt om rapporten af te halen. Ik duim al mee!
Leuk hé meisje , dat julie dochters het zo goed doen, geef ze alle twee maar een dikke knuffel van mij
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