Thursday, November 10, 2011

A puuurrrrrfect moment

By now, we're almost in Trieste, Italy. That is, my friend and undersigned. This is the perfect moment to go visit our lovely friend, who is staying in Trieste for 6 months. We have missed her and her amazing stories and adventures. We hear her pretty often on the Internet and Skype is a good solution too, but it's not to be compared to seeing each other live, is it?

She has no idea we will show up at her doorstep today. She'll be thrilled and over the moon! I know she will jump up and down and so will we! We'll have a great time in Italy, trust me. Four days are short, but we'll make the most of it. It's my first visit to Italy and I don't speak any Italian, but that's part of the fun.

Babe, here we come! Be prepared for some hectic and awesome days!


Jangeox said...

Have loads of fun there!
Ze leest uw blog toch niet hoop ik?

Upje said...

Laten we hopen dat ons Babeke geen propvol weekend heeft gepland, hé? Mwoehahahaha.

Doe ze maar véél groetjes, en have fun!


Stijn said...

kdenk wel dat babeke haar propvol weekend wel in no time zou weten te reorganiseren als dat het geval was.

Geniet van jullie citytripke en laat nog wat gerief in de winkels liggen voor andere mensen hé. De italiaanse economie zal weer 4 dagen opflakkeren :D