Sunday, May 20, 2012

In case you missed it

I don't know how often you watch TV? At home, we have a digicorder, so we can record any program we would like to watch. I record quite some programs and movies. I hardly ever watch TV at night. Most of the time, the children or hubby watch their shows. During the day or at night, when everybody is sound asleep, it's my time. I scroll through the menu to see what I have recorded and then I can pick out whatever I feel like seeing. That may be 4 sessions of Dr Phil in a row or a True Story movie. It can be some cooking show or an interesting documentary (mainly BBC documentaries). I like to fast forward the commercials or rewind a recipe that I would like to write down. It's easy to skip the boring parts or pause the movie when it's time to grab a snack or go to the bathroom. And I love to erase the shows I have watched and start all over with an empty hard disk. There are some movies left that I would like to watch. Maybe this afternoon. It is a lazy Sunday after all.. Let's keep that cosy blanket handy, make some popcorn and get installed..


Jangeox said...

Ik doe dat ook! Dr Phil is back, gelukkig. Alleen staat bij mij de schijf altijd vol. Wissen is niet mijn sterkste kant :-) said...

Oooooh Jan toch. Ik vind dat wissen zalig! Soms een beetje zalig, want dan krijg ik onder mijn voeten van de kinderen dat ik te snel gewist heb...