Sunday, April 26, 2009

I believe

I believe in me.
I believe in people.
I believe in friendship.
I believe in love.
I believe in the innocence of newborns.
I believe in the honesty of a child.
I believe in charity..

but I don't believe in church. I don't need a church to tell right from wrong. I don't need a priest to tell me how to live my life. I don't need a pope who doesn't understand about AIDS. I don't need some preacher to tell me I'm going to go to hell if I don't attend church. I don't need any religion to hold onto, when I'm not feeling well.

I'm glad my children have a mind of their own. I'm glad we didn't force them to go to church. I'm glad they are good girls, and they value other people. They are caring and loving and not into harming other people. They are not religious. And that's okay. And they will not burn in hell either..

I have faith they will grow up to become valuable, well mannered women, with a heart for their beloved ones. And that's what matters to me.


Anonymous said...

Maar ze gaan wél naar een katholieke school? said...

Ja inderdaad. In de gemeente waar we wonen, is er slechts 1 school en dat is een katholieke school. Veel gepraktizeer is daar echter niet.
De oudste zit nu op een katholieke school, omdat het gewoon een hele goede school is.
De jongste begint in september in een katholieke school in Brugge.

Ik heb geen ervaring met niet-katholieke scholen, dus ik kan ook niet vergelijken.