Saturday, April 25, 2009

Men and white socks

What is this thing with men and white socks? It's not typical Belgian, I've seen it in every country I have been to. White socks are meant for sports. Period. Men tend to exaggerate and especially men wearing white socks. Like it's not bad enough, they will not only wear white socks, they will wear them in brown sandals! DUH! Preferably, they will also wear pants that are too short, so they can show off their pathetic white socks. The waistbands of their pants are usually too wide, so they need a belt to hold up their pants. Ever seen a man in armpit pants? That's how we call pants that are being pulled up to the armpits. Of course you need to tuck your sweater in when you wear armpit pants. And then you strap your belt as tight as you can. Don't forget the rabbit's tail on the key chain, tangling down your belt loop! Just to finish of the look. Because it is a look, after all. 

Men in white socks tend to have Lego hair as well. Most of the time, their hair is getting thinner and some skull is peeping through. So they comb their hair from one ear to the other and then spit in their hands to glue their hair to their heads. 

I would never ever marry a man in white socks. Unless he plays tennis. Like mine.. So he is allowed to wear white socks, in white tennis shoes. 


Anonymous said...

Aangezien ik hier toch "anonymous" ben: mijn beste minnaar droeg witte sokken. Hij hield ze wel niet aan in bed. said...

you rock!

Anonymous said...

Hokjesdenken met een grote 'H'...