Today, I took my two wonderful daughters to the hairdresser. They definitely needed a new hairdo, since this Sunday, a photographer is going to take their picture. (The pictures on the side were taken 2 years ago, by a professional agency)
The young crew is 12 and 14 and they have become little ladies, with their own taste and a sparkling personality. I'm proud of them. Both of them chose totally different haircuts. The eldest, Lana, wanted curly hair (not like a poodle, please!) and the younger sister, Eva, decided to go Cleopatra, only a brunette version. They are so different and far apart from one another, that they do not seem like sisters at all. Lana is the introvert one, she has a nice tan, almond shaped eyes, almost Egyptian like. Eva is pale, has freckles all over her face and always has a grin from ear to ear.
Anyway, two hours later, we were off to the mall, because after all: we are girls and girls like to shop! I took them to Wijnegem Shopping Center. They had never been there before. And they were totally excited! What do you think??? And yes, they spent all my money, or must I say: daddy's money? Grin...
Of course they longed for ice-cream (I didn't, since I'm not the biggest ice-cream lover on this earth) and soda and pizza. I gave in, and had a slice of pizza too. Pepperoni to be exact. A cold slice of pizza. That's the only way I eat pizza. And I don't even like pizza. But hey, I wanted to "hang out" with the girls, remember? And if that means: pizza, pizza it will be.
On the way home, my stomach was upset with the fat of that pathetic one slice of pizza. Can't believe I had that... So when I got home, I made myself a Total Cleanser, meaning I made a fresh smoothie of celery stalks, lemon juice, cucumber and fresh orange juice. I'm sure it will heal my body from the fatty meal at the mall. Will it cure my mall feet as well? They burn like hell and I have sores on my left foot sole.
A good night of sleep might help as well, to get over my huge mall hangover...
Very cute dayghters. Whuch one did you look like when you were that age?
Hi Richard,
The funny one, Eva, looks just like me when I was a kid. We look alike in so many ways: outgoing, always in for a fun, sociable,...
Lana looks more after her father: introvert, more serious, ...
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