Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heaven is a place on earth

When I was about 11, my teacher told me that if I didn't behave well, I would go to hell. She scared me. I believed her. Heaven was only for good people. Not for me. I didn't deserve heaven, according to her.  I don't remember what I did, to make her say things like that. I was a child. Children believe what their teachers tell them. 

That's when I started to dislike church. That's when I gave up on religion. I didn't want to go to hell. I tried to be a good girl! I wanted to go to heaven!

So I straightened up. I planned on leading a good life. But then I realised I could make my own heaven, right here, right on this Earth. Bit by bit, I designed my own heaven on earth. And you know what? I don't need rice pudding and golden spoons to be happy. I don't need to be dead to live happily ever after.. I want to be happy now! I want to live now! 

How about that?

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