Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's not my time

Once again, I had this horrible dream. I have had this nightmare for many years now, but it had been a while since I last faced it.

I have a terrible car accident, in a nearby town, where I come on a weekly basis. I can see myself, flat on my back, on the street. My children are beside me. They are still todlers. They sit beside me and they hold my hand. I can hear the otherwhise annoying sound of the ambulance, but this time I love the sound. I can't move. I can't speak. The only thing I can do is think and roll my eyes. Nobody is looking at my face. There are many people around me, telling each other how bad it looks and how young my children are.

The ambulance arrives at the scene. A woman and a man rush out, in their white uniforms. The woman is holding a white sheet. It's my mother. She has this horrible grin on her face. She tells the public it's too late. "Dead..' she says. I want to scream, but my vocal chords can't produce any sound. She grabs my children by the hand and walks away. The male nurse covers my body with the white sheet. I wet my pants.. The last thing I hear, is my mother telling my children that they will be better off now.

Thank goodness it is just a dream. A nightmare alright. My time hasn't come yet. My daughters are teens, not toddlers. I'm not going to die. Not yet. And there's no way my mother is going to take my children away from me. Because I'm a good mother. The best mother my children could wish for. At least, that's what they tell me. And I tend to believe them..


Upje said...

Dat ben je zeker, Cathy. Soms ben ik wel eens bang dat ik een moeder ga worden zoals mijn ouders ... en dan denk ik aan jou, aan hoe jij nu ook geen geweldig voorbeeld hebt gehad, maar toch een geweldige mama bent geworden. Zo eentje waarvan ik hoop er ook ooit eentje te worden ... said...

Jij zult dat prima doen Upje.. Eva heeft vandaag in de auto, op weg naar huis, regelmatig je naam laten vallen. Ze vond jou blijkbaar toch wel een toffe madam! En vooral het voorstel dat je met haar op de Anubis ride wou!

Upje said...

Merci, merci ... Maar het ging hier wel niet over MIJ, maar over JOU, hé! ;-)