Monday, July 13, 2009

How low can you go

In the middle of the night, at 03:34 to be exact, I woke up, feeling really weird. A cold wind raced through my body and I felt shivery. I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and it was like seeing a ghost. My face was all greyish. I stumbled back into our bedroom, grabbed my glucose meter (it's always in bed, in between us) and checked my levels. LO it said.. great.. I had 4 dextrose tablets but that didn't seem to do the trick. So I got out of bed again and holding on to the walls, I found the stairs to go to the pantry and get some cookies (why couldn't I check my night stand for cookies - they are always there!). I had a very hard time going back upstairs, not really knowing which foot to put first. Ran into hubby on my way back to the bedroom. I don't think he was aware that I was that low.. I hardly had any clue of what I was doing, I felt really strange. This is where I miss my former insulin pump, my Cozmo. After a low, it would automatically alarm me to test again in 20 min. This pump doesn't. You have to set an alarm each time if you want it to remember you. But when you are experiencing a low, you are not really conscious enough to do so.
So I fell asleep again, waking up with a 318. My mouth feels like the morning after going to a party and having too much to drink... thick tongue, awful taste in my mouth from the excess sugar and carbs. I hate lows..


Upje said...

Brrrrr. Ik denk dat mijn wederhelft het wel zou merken als ik door het huis begon te dwalen ... . Maar het is toch scary, hé, zo'n momenten.

Ben je intussen al een beetje bekomen? Want idd, echt fijn voel je je de ochtend nadien niet .. :s

Kan jij überhaupt nog meten? Of doe je toch niet elke keer een nieuw naaldje? Ik weet wel zéker dat ik bij een megahypo niet in staat zou zijn dat naaldje nog te vervangen, hoor.

Big hug, said...

Ja hoor, ik ben op zo'n moment nog altijd in staat om te meten. Ben ook nog nooit buiten westen geweest.
Nee, 's nachts steek ik geen nieuwe naaldjes op. Ik doe er wel een nieuw naaldje op voor ik ga slapen. Bovendien gebruik ik altijd een meter boven en een andere beneden.

Maar het blijft scary, vooral als je die LO ziet verschijnen. Daar ben ik toch efkes niet goed van... said...

You said:
"when you are experiencing a low, you are not really conscious enough to do so."

I know. It's really scary sometimes ... except I'm then so out of it that I don't even know that I should be scared. said...

I'm scared the most when I see the number or in this case LO. Did you ever loose consciousness Jim? said...

I've never lost consciousness, but when my blood glucose gets into the 30s, I get so confused that I don't know what's happening or what to do. My mind gets really foggy, and I try to think about possibilities like high blood sugar, low blood sugar, and stroke. All that overwhelms me in that condition, and I just go back to sleep rather than trying to deal with it. Dangerous, I know. said...

Hey Jim!

Do I recognize that part! Not wanting to deal with a hypo sounds so familiar. I always have to finish whatever I'm doing and even start some other chore, rather than deal with a hypo. That's indeed what makes it dangerous. That's when others need to jump in and take over..

Upje said...

I do the same thing! I'd rather go back to bed than getting up and eating ... (but that is before I checked my blood sugar). said...

Isn't that weird? Well, at least, we're unique people, right?

Upje said...

Or maybe that's normal for people having low blood sugar? Don't know ... said...

You may be right :-)