Monday, July 13, 2009

Turkey, Italy, US, Greece, French Riviera,...

We still haven't decided on our holiday destination. The years go by, the girls grow older and each year it gets harder to make the right choice. Every family member has his own opinion on the perfect vacation. So trying to find the perfect match is quite an ordeal. So now there's a new destination in sight: Mexico! Since nobody wants to take the risk of getting the Mexican flu, it might be the perfect time to go there. There are 111 cases of Mexican flu in our country! So I think there's a health danger in staying here lolz! Remember we went to the States, the month after 9/11 and it had never been safer to travel.

I don't know what we are going to pick this time. We've been to Turkey before and The Titanic Resort was absolutely the best place we have ever been to. Hubby has gone to Italy several times and he loved it. It won't surprise you that the US still is my favorite place to go. We had a great time in Corfu, Greece as well, but how about the French Riviera? None of us have been there before. Or should we go to Mexico after all? Sounds very appealing to me! Caramba! Fiesta!

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