It won't be much of a surprise to you, that I just love Nigella Lawson. Not only does she look fabulous, her recipes are so simple, so delicious, so .. Nigella! Just watching her prepare a meal is a feast on itself. The way she handles food, makes you drool. I have a couple of her books at home and whenever I read her books, I have a shopping list in the other hand. Believe me: by no means can you read her books without disappearing in the kitchen afterwards to start experiment. So that's what happened the other night. I was watching one of her shows on TV and she made Eton Mess.. Oh my gosh! Did that look supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or what??? I had a couple of egg whites left in the freezer (thanks for the tip Nigella, I keep my excess egg whites in ziploc bags in the freezer), so I made meringue. And today, I sent my daughter out for strawberries. We always have double cream in the house, for emergency cravings. Yummie! Okay, okay!!! I'll give you the recipe! If only you promise to let me know what you thought of it!
4 cups of fresh strawberries
2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
2 teaspoons pomegranate juice (I used white balsamic vinegar because that's what all I had, but it worked wonderfully well)
2 cups whipping cream
4 meringues (homemade or not - if you make them yourself, you can freeze leftovers easily)
Hull and chop the strawberries and put them into a bowl. Sprinkle the sugar over the red rubies and add the juice or the balsamic vinegar. Leave the fruit to marinate while you whip the cream.
Whip the cream until thick but still soft. Crumble the meringues into bigger chunks (for extra texture) and finer crumbs and stir the meringue into the thick cream.
Set aside half a cupful of the strawberries. Fold the meringue cream and the fruit mixture together.
Take 4 wide glasses and spoon the Eton Mess pile high in the glasses. Top with the leftover strawberries. Chill until you want to serve your guests. Or do as we did: enjoy this dessert right away!
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