Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Risky business

One of the luxuries of staying in a 4 star hotel, is that you don't have to do anything but relax and enjoy. Making the beds, cooking meals, running errands, mopping the floor... Forget it. You're not doing anything. There's a whole crew of people taking care of everything so you can enjoy a wonderful holiday.

The three of us headed towards the pool, after we had finished our lunch. Hubby had to go back to the room to change his clothes for swim wear. The cleaning lady had already mopped the floor and changed the beds. Hubby went through his suitcase to dig up his swim shorts and trotted to the bathroom to get changed. Apparently, the cleaning lady had left the room to get fresh towels, in the time hubby got in to get changed. So she came back and went straight to the bathroom, not expecting anyone. Behind the door of that same bathroom, hubby was standing butt naked, not realising he was about to scare a young moslima.. She yelled, he yelled back. She ran, he was stunned.. I bet his heart pounded in his body and she had the shock of her life. Poor girl.. She didn't come back to our room. Her elder colleague took over her duties. Hubby wasn't looking forward to a surprise visit of a 50 year old cleaning lady, so he made sure to bring his swim shorts to the pool the following days..


Ons_anneke said...

hihi arme hubby toch! Maar hilarisch!

Upje said...

Aaaah, vreselijk! Hihihi. Arme hubby, arme mevrouw. Maar inderdaad wel lachen geblazen!

Wij hadden dat ook altijd toen we in Frankrijk waren. Het was daar toen zó heet, dat de enige plaatsen waar we het konden uithouden, die met airco waren. In de praktijk dus onze auto en de kamer. Dus 's middags kropen we vaak gewoon in ons kamertje voor een middagdutje, om wat te lezen, weet ik veel ... . Maar ELKE dag kwamen ze nét dan de kamer poetsen! En als je gewoon leest, no problem, maar als je ligt te slapen, schrik je je wel een ongeluk! En helemáál als je één of andere onzedige outfit ligt te ronken natuurlijk :P.

Daarom ben ik altijd blij als ze in bepaalde hotels zo'n bordje hebben aan de deur waarmee je kunt aangeven of ze binnen mogen komen of niet. *giechel*