Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Beware of the pan sitting on the stove!", I yell, running around, trying to get as many jobs done as possible. Putting the plates on the table, filling the washer with dirty laundry, feeding the dog and cat in between tasks and keeping an eye on the eldest daughter, who is checking the internet. While I'm doing all kinds of chores at the same time, I'm thinking of mothers in the old days. They had about 16 children in their homes, no washer to do the laundry, no dishwasher or microwave. They had no car to run their errands, no husband to help out in the daily household, nobody to come clean the house or have the shirts ironed. Were they better off than us? I absolutely doubt it. Then how come it's so hard for nowadays women to keep up and do whatever needs to be done? We all know that women are better at multitasking than men, but still we lack time to complete our agendas. Working moms know real well about multitasking and they get my respect. I still haven't figured out how they can go to work full time, take care of their children and husband, run errands, get a decent home cooked meal on the table, check the children's homework, work out at the gym, drive their kids to all their activities and be a good wife to their husband..
Some couples choose not to have children. They don't want to bother raising children. They want to spend their life as a child free couple, going on an holiday several times a year, have two fast cars, a big savings account in the bank. Do you think they would know the word multitasking? I wonder..


Anonymous said...

Misschien zijn mannen gewoon slimmer dan vrouwen.
Ze doen er gewoon niet aan mee, aan dat "multitasken". said...

waarschijnlijk houden wij vrouwen dat ook in ere en nemen we hen nog altijd teveel werk uit handen?