Saturday, October 3, 2009

Scar tissue

I heard there is a procedure to remove scar tissue. I have a couple of scars on my body: a small scar on my upper lip, is the first one that crosses my mind. I have had this scar for ages, since I was a little girl. It doesn't bother me at all and hardly anyone notices it.
Then there's the scar on my right wrist. One scar, two operations. I had a cyst in my wrist and I had it removed when I was about 20. Only 6 weeks later, after removing the cast, the doctor told me the cyst had come back.. At the age of 22, I had it removed again, by a different doctor. It never came back. He opened the old scar to remove the cyst and closed it up again. It has weakened my wrist, but the scar is mainly invisible.
There's also the scar on my right knee. I had a friend in my home town. We played at her house quite often. She lived near the railways and we liked to play down there. One day, we were pretending that bank robbers had taken over the train and we scared ourselves so bad, that we ran off, screaming and shouting. I fell on my knees and my friend's dad had a lot of work removing the gravel from my right knee. It didn't need stitching, but it hurt big time.
I have told you before, that I have worked with tiger cubs in my teens. My favorite tiger cub - Miro - bit me in my big toe, leaving a small dent. It wasn't that bad, and it reminds me of Miro.

Those are the outer scars, that can be fixed, so I've heard, to make the scars less visible. Those scars don't bother me though. I believe inner scars are harder to be mended...

1 comment:

Upje said...

Wees maar zeker dat lang niet alle uiterlijke littekens kunnen weggehaald worden. Ik ben eens bij een dokter gaan vragen of de mijne verwijderd konden worden, en het antwoord was gewoon 'nee'. Ze kunnen lichter worden, maar verdwijnen is onmogelijk.

Ik ben optimistischer over die andere littekens, diep van binnen. Ik vrees dat ze ook nooit zullen weggaan, en soms (bij het wisselen van het weer? ;) ) doen ze pijn. Maar ik merk elke dag dat ze vrij behoorlijk kunnen helen. En dat er tenminste momenten zijn waarop ze lijken te zijn verdwenen, in tegenstelling tot de uiterlijke.

En eerlijk? Ik geloof oprecht dat de resten innerlijke littekens een mens nu éénmaal maken tot wie ze zijn. En vaak is dat mooier dan dat je geweest zou zijn zónder. Daar ben ik van overtuigd.

Ik wens je wel toe dat de littekens snel minder pijn gaan doen ... Het kan!!