How about pasta for lunch? Or would you rather have a sandwich? NOT! I'm always in for pasta. My friend makes the best Pasta Carbonara, but my favorite pasta is still Pasta All'Arabiata: spicy, no meat, just scrumptious delicious.
I would like to share my favorite pesto pasta recipe with you though. It's just so easy and you can make it before your favorite TV show is on. Put the kettle on, so the water can come to a boil, while you light the fire place in the den. Pour the boiling water into a large cookery pot. Throw in as much pasta as you can handle (I prefer tagliatelli in this recipe) and don't forget to salt the water. Pick the perfect pasta bowl out of your cupboard and get it ready. Drain the cooked pasta, leaving some cooking liquid in it. Stir it up with wonderful red pesto (store bought is just fine this time - no time to make our own), toasted pine nuts (keep them in a tupperware container so you always have them ready), strips of smoked ham (how about Serrano or Parma ham?), some cut up chest nut mushrooms (no need to cook them in advance - they will wilt in the hot pasta) and a tablespoon of double cream to make it even more scrumptious. Rush back to the fridge, to grab that piece of Parmesan that has been waiting for you all along, and use a carrot peeler to make the perfect cheese curls this pasta requires. You're ready for the show. Just make yourself comfortable on the couch, covered up with your favorite blanket and dive into this delicious pasta. The heat of the fireplace will warm your cheeks and the pasta will warm your tummy. My idea of a bowl of comfort food.
Don't forget to have chocolate mousse for dessert.. To be continued.
I would like to share my favorite pesto pasta recipe with you though. It's just so easy and you can make it before your favorite TV show is on. Put the kettle on, so the water can come to a boil, while you light the fire place in the den. Pour the boiling water into a large cookery pot. Throw in as much pasta as you can handle (I prefer tagliatelli in this recipe) and don't forget to salt the water. Pick the perfect pasta bowl out of your cupboard and get it ready. Drain the cooked pasta, leaving some cooking liquid in it. Stir it up with wonderful red pesto (store bought is just fine this time - no time to make our own), toasted pine nuts (keep them in a tupperware container so you always have them ready), strips of smoked ham (how about Serrano or Parma ham?), some cut up chest nut mushrooms (no need to cook them in advance - they will wilt in the hot pasta) and a tablespoon of double cream to make it even more scrumptious. Rush back to the fridge, to grab that piece of Parmesan that has been waiting for you all along, and use a carrot peeler to make the perfect cheese curls this pasta requires. You're ready for the show. Just make yourself comfortable on the couch, covered up with your favorite blanket and dive into this delicious pasta. The heat of the fireplace will warm your cheeks and the pasta will warm your tummy. My idea of a bowl of comfort food.
Don't forget to have chocolate mousse for dessert.. To be continued.
Argllll ... *kwijl kwijl*
kwijl kwijl? Geen kwijl in mijn pasta hè!! Maar wel supermakkelijk en snel klaar. Wat houdt je tegen?
Dat ik maar één keer per week pasta mag in ons dieet, en dat is morgen :P. En dan nog alleen volgens het 'diëtiste-recept' ;).
Heb jij het écht gemaakt? Smakelijk dan!
Niet vandaag, maar ik maak het wel vaker. Vandaag Carbonara :-)
En wat is het diëtiste-recept dan?
Kippengehakt zonder vetstof bakken, paprika, tomaten, champignons (maar die lust G niet, dus dat laten we eruit), ne wortel, wat selder en ajuin et voilà ... . Vooral vééééél groentjes dus. Wel lekker, alleen heb je vanonder in je bord een zee van roodgekleurd water, en de groenten liggen dan bovenop je spaghetti. Als je snapt wat ik bedoel :P.
Ik heb nog nooit kippengehakt gekocht, moet daar dringend eens werk van maken :-)
Voorstel voor die waterigheid tegen te gaan: roer een klein blikje tomatenpuree door je saus en maak ze een dag op voorhand. De volgende dag zal ze al wat ingedikt zijn ;-)
Klinkt wel heel lekker zulle!
Kippengehakt is best ok, heeft wel minder smaak dan gewoon gehakt. Maar er zitten veel minder kcal in ;). Dan smijten we er wel wat meer peper op ofzo :P.
Op de markt is er altijd een kippenkraam. Ik zal daar eens luisteren of ze ook kippengehakt verkopen. Ben benieuwd! En sowieso gebruik ik veel kruiden. Kan me voorstellen dat spaghettisaus met kippengehakt ook wel lekker is, net als kippenstoverij ipv varkensstoverij.
ik heb vandaag kippengehakt gekocht en ga straks dus kippenbolognaise maken. Heb geen selder, maar ja, dan is 't zonder selder hè. Drie kleuren paprika, tomaat, ui, champignons, worteltjes,... hmhmhm
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