We got to the fair and there I saw what we were about to do. Well - WE?? Everybody chickened out, watching some other people taking their jump. But hey! I didn't come all the way to the States to back out, did I? So I decided to just go with the flow.
A couple of men explained the procedure, but I didn't really listen. I was totally fascinated by the other jumpers. I just couldn't believe I was going to do that.. Amazing, truly amazing. So they hoisted me up. I remember the height was the same as our church tower. And believe me: it's high! The man next to me kept talking to me - I kept staring down, looking for my friends. And then this guy asked me: are you ready???? uugghhh... ME???? I heard the crowd count down: 3 - 2 - 1 - BUNGEEEEEEEEE!! And I jumped.. did I jump alright.. Because I had not heard the explanation, I had no idea what I was doing. Apparently I was supposed to hold my knees, but I made a free fall. I think I know now how people feel when they decide to jump of a building in a suicide attempt. It's horrible. But then again: it's TOP SHIT!!!! Someone down there was filming the whole event - that didn't last as long as it seemed - and you can hear me scream: ONCE MORE!!!!!
What a joke! At the time... The next day I was sore all over my body. My host family was not impressed at all. They thought I was not responsable. How could they trust me with their little girl, if I put my life at risk? Whatever.. it was an experience of a life time. And it was an experience I would never try to do again. Thank you very much.
Waar is dat filmpje?
op een oude videocassette ergens in onze doos met video's vrees ik... We zouden dat eigenlijk beter eens overzetten op de pc hè. Dat wordt lachen!
Dan zet je dat maar ineens op you tube ofzo :D
in your dreams Upje. Dat is niet geschikt voor het grote publiek. LOL.
Oké, maar ik ben maar een klein publiek, hé. En je hebt mijn mailadres :D.
Ik wil het in ieder eval nooit zien.
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