Today you have become 15.. I can't believe you are already 15.. You were just so tiny when you came into this world. You screamed your lungs out. That was the day you were born. You never cried much in the years to come. Oh believe me, you are sensitive, let's say high sensitive. You don't like it when people get mad at you. It makes you cry. Getting emotional after having seen something moving on TV, is not uncommon for you. But you never cried like other children did: to get their way. That's not you. You were never a nag or a pain in the neck. You still aren't.
Happy Birthday my sweetie. I love you very much xx
Gelukkige verjaardag, Lana! :)
Dag Lana, ik had dit stukje niet op de juiste dag gelezen, hb.
Toch wel hoor, we zijn nog altijd de 18e, ze is nog altijd jarig.
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