Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It is never too late

I'm going back to school.. I always liked to go to school and I'm eager to learn. I'm not very good at studying, because it bores me, but my grades were pretty good most of the time.
This time, it's a different school I'm going to attend. It is nearby and I won't go full time, not even on a daily basis. I'm supposed to go twice a week. The teachers are not really teachers, but physiotherapists. They will show me how to take better care of my back. There are different appliances in the gym, that will make it possible for me to exercise without hurting my back. I can't believe I'm going to do this.. I'm so not into sports! But I know I have to.. I have hardly any muscle strength. Tests have shown that my muscle tone is nearly always the same. You should see a difference in muscle tone between when you make an effort and when you relax. My muscles are always tense. They don't relax, neither do they contract. Those weak muscles do not support my body. So I need to tone them up and make them stronger. It's going to take quite some effort. I'm bored already, thinking of the exercises I will have to do. I'm trying to be positive about it, but it's not working yet. We'll see. It will be a longterm project and I will have to do my exercises regularly, if I want to obtain those stronger muscles in my back and stomach. Maybe I should give it a chance.. I'll need all the support I can get, figuratively and literally spoken.


Upje said...


Ik hoorde laatst ook dat sport je longinhoud vergroot, en dat je daardoor in rust ietsjes meer gaat verbranden. Om kcal er echt áf te sporten, moet je al lelijke dingen gaan doen, maar om die longinhoud te vergroten, blijkbaar niet. Dus wie weet voor goeie effecten krijgt het verder nog ... said...

aja? Daar had ik zelfs nog nooit bij stil gestaan. Bedankt voor de tip!

Anonymous said...

go, Cathy, go!
ik ben enorm fier op je. said...
