Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I did my best

HbA1c is what my doctor tends to say when I visit him: let's talk about your latest HbA1c.
It is the average blood glucose of the last 6 weeks. For diabetics, the number is supposed to be below 7%. Some diabetics get there, some have many difficulties getting there and others will never get there. Does that mean they don't take care of themselves or their diabetes? Sometimes.. Others take real good care, but have some things against them.

For 6 years, I have struggled to reach that number 7. I haven't reached it yet, but I'm getting closer. For the last 1.5 years, I haven't had numbers higher than 8% and I'm very proud of that.
I have to put so much effort in getting a decent number. But don't we all? I'm glad it's my responsibility, not somebody elses. Imagine it's your child that's been diagnosed with diabetes and you are responsible for its management. Of course you want to do the best you can, but some circumstances may make things more complicated and you end up with higher numbers than expected or wanted. Not something to scream of the roof tops, is it?

I got my latest HbA1c this week: 7.2%. I'm very happy with it. I'm getting there. Step by step.

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