This is it.. It's time to go home. The suitcases are packed and extra suitcases have been purchased and packed as well. It's been awesome. I have a new favorite American State to pin down on my map of good places to spend your vacation. We have been very fortunate to have that much sun and from now on, the weather can only get even better!
We're going to have our last breakfast at Hoolihan's, right back where we started. It's a good place to terminate our holiday and enjoy a last meal together. As we all know, airplane meals are no biggie and we'll spend some time at the airport before we finally head home. So it's better to have some food in our tummies in advance, while we still can.
The apartment looks kinda deserted now.. The closets are empty, the trash has been thrown out. We have called a cab to pick up the extra suitcases, because they won't fit in the trunk of our car anymore. It'll be a bit more comfortable that way. The girls will be so excited to unpack the suitcases and see the presents I got them. They will want to hear all about this journey, so they can plan our next trip later this year.
By Monday morning, life will have gone back to normal. Hubby will go back to work, the girls will be off to school, and I'll have some special time with the whippets. Time to unpack, to get the laundry sorted out and do some grocery shopping. I'm looking forward to preparing some menus out of my new cookbooks. If there's one thing I have missed in Florida, it must be my fruit and veggies. Now I realize how important healthy food is to me. Not that I have splurged over here, but restaurant food is always different. It's full of hidden ingredients, as I have experienced just the other day. Having ordered a salad of walnut-crusted goat cheese and leaf greens, I expected no carbs but some from the blueberries and the fatfree salad dressing. Will it surprise you that my blood glucose meter gave me a nasty look when it showed an ugly 295 mg/dl after lunch? Knowing it showed me a pretty 61 before lunch? Exactly... hidden sugars in the dressing.. That's why I'm longing for healthy - no additives added - food. Just the pure stuff. I will bake some potatoes in the coming weeks, because I have really enjoyed those cream cheese topped baked potatoes. I'm pretty sure I won't find the same size potatoes, but that's okay, since I eat only a quarter.
Well folks, it's been pleasant. I'm glad I got the opportunity to explore the Orlando area and have a wonderful time with my friends..
Dat geloof ik meteen, dat je naar gezond eten snakt! Ik weet nog hoe ik in The States eens dacht low-carb te gaan en een kippensoep te eten. Maar nadien stond ik dus torenhoog. Hoe ze het klaargespeeld hebben, geen idee, maar werkelijk overal draaien ze dus nog wel extra's in!
Geniet nog maar lekker na, schoonheid ... :)
Ik heb nog betrekkelijk gezond gegeten hoor. Maar 1 keer frieten, geen burgers. Groenten komen echter nauwelijks op je bord, behalve als je voor een salade kiest (die dan weer immens groot zijn).
Er zitten inderdaad enorm veel additieven in de voeding. Je ziet zo vaak low-fat of no fat, maar die voeding zit dan net weer boordevol suikers en omgekeerd. Ook al denk je dat je goed en gezond bezig bent, onze bloedglucosemeter is een ideale tool om te kijken wat de waarheid is :-)
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