Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Na fiesj moesh kele

Languages are wonderful. So many sounds to enjoy, so many words to learn how to pronounce. A language that has always drawn my attention, is Arabic. I know I will take Arabic classes one day! It's great to be able to say some phrases if you're in some islamic country.

A couple of weeks ago, I was shopping with a friend in Holland. Two Arabic men were in a fierce discussion and they were all wired up. I took a look at them, and said: na fiesj moesh kele - meaning: no problem! and I kept going. They went silent right away, turned their heads, looked at me and laughed. They yelled back: na fiesj moesh kele! It warmed my heart to see their smile and they completely forgot what their discussion was about.

I have an Egyptian restaurant in my neighborhood, where I can practice my Arabic vocabulary. They love to hear me talk and every time I frequent the restaurant, the owner and his family teach me some new words. It's a pleasant pastime.


Anonymous said...

Ik heb hier zo'n geel boek liggen: "Arabisch voor Dummies".
Je mag het na de zomer lenen, het is goed geschreven.

www.kokenenhogehakken.blogspot.be said...

super!!!!! Heb je zelf al wat opgestoken van de woordjes? En hoe weet je hoe je de klanken moet uitspreken?

Anonymous said...

alles staat ook nog eens fonetisch geschreven.