Girls... Anyone who has daughters will understand what I'm talking about. They love to shop! It was a bit difficult to make a choice, but the first mall we visited, was The Mall at Millenia. Eva had set her eyes on several shops: Abercombie & Fitch, Hollister, Juicy Couture, XXI Forever,.. She had looked up the mall on the internet a couple of weeks ago. She was totally excited about this shopping event. She got her own budget to buy treats and clothes and so did her sister. Although they are sisters and they have the same size now, they don't exchange clothes. Because they have a completely different taste. Lana is more of the flower power girl while one could describe Eva's style as preppy. It is interesting to see the interaction between both girls - or young ladies if you wish.
There are so many more malls they want to visit: Orlando Mall, Florida Mall, Premium Outlet Stores,.. We're having some pretty hectic days in front of us..
Uhmmm ... wat voor budget hebben ze dan wel niet, als ze al die malls kunnen doen? :D
En excuse me, maar van wie hebben de ladies deze trek, denk je? Ik heb zo een vermoeden ... ;)
LOL, it sounds very familiar! My girls are 4 years apart and are just beginning to swap and share! They are 16 and almost 21 so its about time! Happy shopping x
mommy's girls hè!
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