To my surprise, I bought myself this water bottle in Holland. I definitely need to drink more water and I had this idea the Dopper bottle could help me do so. The Dopper bottle is a plastic bottle that has been designed to hold almost 0.5 liters of water. It can be filled with tap water whenever you feel this quench coming up. Take it to school, to work, on outings, in the car,.. Dopper bottles are leak proof and you can clean them in the dishwasher. Just as simple as that!
The bottles come in pink or blue. They don't only look awesome, it's exactly what they are! Ever since I got myself this Dopper bottle, I have drunk 1.5 liters of water a day. This is how I do it: in the morning, I get my Dopper out of the dishwasher. I put some slices of lemon in the bottle before I fill it up with fresh and cold tap water. You close the bottle with the cup and cap. Take it along wherever you go. It fits in my purse or in the cup holder of my car. But most of the time, I keep it in my hand, since the cap makes it an easy job. The Dopper is empty before you know it. Just fill it up again: there are more taps in your area than you are aware of. Nothing wrong with tap water, on the contrary: it gets checked all the time. No more store bought water bottles in my house. I fill my Dopper whenever I need to. I even take it to bed at night.
I would recommend the Dopper bottle to all of you, for it's a very fine product. It's not expensive at all and you'll be hooked to your bottle before you realize it. Make sure to personalize it, because you wouldn't want anyone to steal yours! Have fun! Dopper!
Too bad. I'm a SipWell boy ;)
beetje zwaar om in de sakoche te krijgen, zo'n sip well. En dat drinkt zo moeilijk hè, je bent kletsnat als je van zo'n fles genipt hebt :D
Hahahaha! Ge zijt niet te doen gij. Maar 'k ben blij dat je iets gevonden hebt om je aan het drinken te krijgen. Nu volhouden! ;)
Misschien moet ik het toch ook maar eens proberen ... Als ik de smaak van water nu eens niet zo stom vond, hé! :P
Echt Upje, als iemand niet graag water drinkt, ben ik het wel. Maar serieus, ik drink nu al echt elke dag 1.5 liter water (of zelfs meer), zonder dat ik het door heb. Heel vreemd is dat!
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