Monday, October 10, 2011

I admit. J'avoue. Ik beken..

Addictions are horrible. Addictions are so difficult to confess. It's not something to be proud of. It's not something you would tell people about on a first date: "Hi! I'm an addict. How are you?"
No matter what the addiction is: drugs, sex, alcohol, cigarettes, food, gambling.. addictions are not something one would long to have.
Addictions demand so much attention and they suck up all of your energy. Life is focussed around the addiction and it's always present. It's there when you get up in the morning. It keeps you busy through the daytime and it keeps you from sleeping. It's sheer horror.

Once you're ready to confess you're an addict, there's an opening to heal. As long as you keep it a secret, there's not much that can be done. Help is out there. You don't have to go through this on your own. There are people around you that love you and that are ready to catch you when you fall, as they have done in the past. If only you would admit you need help. Don't think you can do this by yourself. It's just too hard. I understand that you want to do this on your own and you gave it a shot - how ironic is that - but it didn't work out. That's okay, that's not a problem. We're not judging you. Maybe you weren't ready yet. It takes insight and therapy, courage and perseverance to leave the addiction behind. Listen to the people that surround you and who want nothing but the best for you. They see things from a different angle. They have experience and they know where to get help. Don't be so pigheaded.. there's no need to be ashamed. Be brave, be ready. I hope you will make that phonecall soon.


Upje said...

Geef het tijd ... en op een dag ... zal de persoon het licht zien. Vermoedelijk op een moment dat je het echt niet meer verwacht, dat je stiekem misschien al de hoop hebt opgegeven dat het goedkomt. said...

zo is het maar net...

Jangeox said...

Toegeven dat je machteloos bent is het moeilijkste voor een verslaafde. We zijn allemaal "pigheaded". Dat is net de reden waarom je verslaafd bent geraakt. It takes time... said...

bedankt Jangeox.