Things have been going pretty hectic lately. Well, in the last months I may say. I sometimes try to schedule two or three appointments in one day, because otherwise I run short of time. It is a sport to combine appointments that are situated in the same area, so I don't have to cross the whole country multiple times a week. I love these outings and meetings. Even a bit too much, I'm afraid..
I remember saying that October wouldn't be as hectic as September, but I must have broken that promise as soon as I had said it. It's just not working.. I try to set priorities, I really do. The thing is: I find 99% of my appointments important and well worth the effort. All in a different meaning maybe, but important nevertheless.
So here I go again: I'll really really try to make November less hectic than October or September. Honestly! I'm not saying it will be easy or I will succeed, but I'll give it my best shot.
Oei. We gaan u toch nog zien?
gene paniek hè :-)
Ik ga gewoon zwijgen.
je bent een wijze dame.
misschien al best eens nadenken over een rustigere december?
december ziet er nog bangelijk stil uit
Dus dan ga je NU je agenda nemen en op zijn minst een dag of tien invullen met 'Me-time'? Met dan als bedoeling dus dat je niét afspreekt met mensen. Alé hup, wat doe je hier nog??? ;-)
nu ben je wel heel erg streng. Maar 't is goed bedoeld en eigenlijk wel nodig :)
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