I was using the ladies room in the hospital, when I overheard two ladies gossipping about a colleague. How she had lost 9 KG in only one month. One lady said she envied the weight loss, while the other said it wasn't the healthy way to get rid of the extra pounds. What a coincidence to overhear this conversation.
On my way up to the sixth floor, I realized how many conversations have the words diet and food in just one sentence. What a contradiction... Wherever we are, there is always someone who thinks they could drop a few sizes or eat less. I am one of them. Being conscious of your weight, is a daily pastime. I am seeing my dietitian this morning and my day has not started out the best. I have skipped my breakfast. Not because I wasn't feeling like having any, but because diarrhea has been bothering me for a number of months. Right after breakfast, the problem arizes. I am going to spare you the messy details. Anyway, I decided not to break my fast this morning, because I did not feel like pulling over the car on my way to the hospital to look for some nasty restroom.. My dietitian understood the problem and she tried to think along what could be the problem. She advised me to change my breakfast of fruit and Greek yogurt or oatmeal into something dryer, like bread (no thanks) or toast (maybe, I'll consider it) or dry muesli with dried apricots or figs without the milk. No liquid in the morning. Hmhmhm... that'll be a change, but I'll give it a chance. I hope to solve the problem because it has become a real nuisance.
I'll think about tomorrow's breakfast. So if you come up with any other idea, feel free to let me know.
Euh, ne keer langs de dokter passeren om te laten zien hoe dat überhaupt komt?? MAANDEN dat probleem hebben is toch echt niet normaal ... en al helemaal niet goed! :s
Take care ...
Dat is de volgende stap. Mijn ontbijt eerst es aanpassen hè.
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