Of course I am! Aren't we all going to die? Isn't that the circle of life?
I'm not joking. These questions are being asked. Not recently, not that I remember, that is. But they have been asked. If the diabetes is going to kill me... Ten years ago, I would have answered: I guess so.. Because I didn't know any better. I thought my body would deteriorate in no time. My endocrinologist told me about kidney failure and amputations of the limbs. She told me that blindness is one of the most common complications of diabetes. Well guess what: she was wrong! Diabetes does NOT lead to these awful complications. POOR diabetes treatment does...
Can you understand why it's so important to diabetics (sorry for the word, but it types faster than people with diabetes) to get good control? Why they aim for good bloodsugars? It's not that we are so fond of poking our fingers multiple times a day or because we love to jab needles into our bodies.. Trust me: there are wilder things in life to keep busy. Bare with us, if the flunctuations in our bloodsugar play tricks with us. I realize it's hard to watch us go through a low episode and loose complete control. It's not something we challenge to happen. We don't dare ourselves to get lows. I admit, we may be a little crazy, but lows are not exactly the best party ever. We prefer numbers in the 70-140 range, just like you do, but guess what? It's not up to us. There are so many reasons why our blood decides not to act like we want it to act. It's not just about dosing insulin. It's a whole lot more...
Valentine's Day is coming up. I want to thank my husband, for baring with me. I want to thank him for letting me be his wife with diabetes. I'm grateful that he doesn't interfere in my D, because after all: it's MY diabetes and it's my job to control it. It's always a bonus if you can talk about your insecurities with your partner or share your concerns. It's good to have someone around in case of .. well.. in case of... you know what. But you know what? I live day by day. I don't let negativity take over. So many things can go wrong, I am well aware of that. But guess what? So many things can go right... Why waste all that precious time worrying and sobbing over things we cannot control? Why can't we just make the most of it and do the best we can? There's so much more to life than diabetes. Really...
Boy, it sure is a whole lot more than just taking our insulin, isn't it?
Thanks for sharing!
Maybe one day, Scott, we will meet in person to talk about D. :D
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