Monday, March 11, 2013

To each his own

People ask me why I would want a second device attached to my body. How weird is it, that I haven't asked myself that same question? It's that awkward moment, when people give you that pitiful look even when you don't feel sorry for yourself. To me, diabetes is part of my life, just like cooking, going to work and taking care of the household is. I get that wearing a transmitter on your arm is not sexy. Does it bother you? It doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I don't give a **** about what other people think about it. It's there to help me get better control and to make me feel better once the fluctuating blood glucose numbers are more within the area I want them to be.

Can everybody see that transmitter? Well.. I do wear clothes, you know. Yes, there's a little lump underneath my sleeve and maybe you will notice that. There's a little lump in my stomach area as well, where my infusion site of my insulin pump is hiding. People thought the same about this site in the past: what if people notice?? Guess what? I have never ever had anyone ask me what that lump underneath my shirt was. To be more honest: when I give a lecture on My Life with Diabetes, I always ask people to look for the "lump" on my body. Not one has found it so far. Sometimes I even have to pat down my body to find it myself... because it has become a part of me. I forget it's there. I now forget about the transmitter on my arm. Because I don't need to worry about it. It's fine by me. I have come to terms with it. So don't worry about me or my health. Even though you would not even think of wearing one (it's not even worth the discussion because you don't even have diabetes), to each his own. I have a wonderful family. I have a long life ahead of me. I want to live it the best way possible... in the end you will all benefit from the advantages of my Dexcom, because it will make me happier..


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I was more impressed by you're lovely figure instead of the patch ...

greetings Bart said...

thank you sweetiepie!

Scott K. Johnson said...

Well said, Cathy. :-)